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Content Marketing Ideas to Keep Your Brand’s Feed Fresh

Are you running out of content marketing ideas? Is your brand’s feed getting a little… stale? You’re not the first, and you won’t be the last. Content marketing can be tough. Finding new content marketing ideas to keep your feed fresh, exciting, and always moving your brand forward takes time, research, and a little creativity.

Luckily, the social media gurus at Clearbridge Branding Agency are offering up some advice to help save your social feeds from a lackluster shelf life.

Here are five content marketing ideas to keep your brand’s feed fresh.

5 Effective Content Marketing Ideas

#1: Create an interactive series

Whether daily, weekly, or monthly, creating consistency in content with a video series can help make your brand pop in the feeds of followers. It could be a series of livestreams where you answer questions or show your followers how to achieve something with your product. No matter the aim, keeping up with a consistent series can be a great way to be remembered.

#2: Run a contest or giveaway

Who can resist the word “free”? Running a contest or giveaway is a great way to engage your followers while getting your products into their hands. Try to keep contests as simple as humanly possible. Brand a hashtag for your contest or giveaway to encourage the conversation and to keep information about it all in one place. All that said, Clearbridge Branding reminds us that there are certain guidelines you need to meet. Click here for six tips for successful Facebook giveaways.

#3: Let your followers do the talking

The power of user-generated content is not underrated—especially when it comes directly from the user. Clearbridge encourages you to follow the conversation about your brand as closely as possible. You’re your brand is tagged on social media, don’t be afraid to share,  retweet, or regram a positive post from your followers. After all, their words speak louder than yours.

#4: Create video tutorials

Linking to blog posts are great and all—but there’s nothing like a quick video how-to or tutorial to get people engaged. You’ve probably seen some of those sped-up cooking tutorials in your feed. And even if you have no intention of making it, how many times out of 10 do you actually stick around for a least a quarter of the video? This kind of content works, says Clearbridge. No matter your service or product, there’s a way to make it more relative (and entertaining!) for your followers via video.

#5: Spotlight your employees and your customers

It’s not uncommon for brands to shine a light on the employees of their company, which can be a great effort in humanizing your brand. That said, when the opportunity presents itself, spotlighting customers who have had success with your product or who enjoy your services takes that notion one step further. It shows the results. It shows the trust. Don’t be afraid to ask some of your customers if you could feature their story or experience in your content.

Looking for more ways to give your brand’s content a boost? Contact Clearbridge Branding Agency to learn more about social media consulting, training, and management, or visit their blog for more content marketing ideas.