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Meet the Staff

by Russell Swanson, Exec. Dir., VDID, Main Street Vineland

Last week I gave you a quick tour of the Main Street Vineland Board of Directors—an introduction of its members and explanations of the Board’s duties and responsibilities. This week, I’ll introduce you to the Main Street Vineland staff. Our office, at 603 E. Landis Avenue, is the nerve center of our organization and those staff members who work in the office or report to it are a vital part of the operation of Main Street Vineland. So, let’s take a look.

I am the executive director and work at the pleasure of the Board of Directors. I oversee the day-to-day administration of Main Street Vineland, with ultimate decisions on matters resting with me. As such, “the buck stops here.”

Robert Scarpa is the assistant director and Business Development director. He’s often the first person you see when you walk into the office. I can’t begin to tell you how much Robert does to keep the business of this organization running smoothly. He not only staffs the front desk but also does a lot of the administrative paperwork, helps line up our events and creates the related paperwork, does the social media promotion, runs some meetings, helps steer our downtown business initiatives, and more. As our downtown Business Development director, he plays a leading role in being a liaison with our present businesses, as well as helping to recruit new businesses and promote them with ribbon-cutting and other means. He’s truly the workhorse of this office.

Robin Barbetti is an administrative assistant and helps out greatly with grant writing and a variety of other duties to help out with initiatives. She gives generously of her time and her work, without which we would be all the poorer.

Bob DeMarchi is in charge of maintenance. Whether it is cleaning outside, helping with the grunt work of chairs, tables, and other equipment, or doing what’s necessary to make The Ave look clean, Bob is our point-person.

From the Board, to the staff, to the team chairs, to the volunteers who make up the teams and the other volunteers who help when they can, the Main Street Vineland family strives to make The Ave the best it can be. We invite you to become part of our family.

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Main Street Vineland is here to help. We pass important business information along to our businesses every Wednesday, in the 9 a.m. hour, and on SNJ Today POP FM 99.9, and Comcast Channel 22. n

For more on Main Street Vineland, call our office at 856-794-8653, visit—or check us out on Facebook. You can also e-mail me at

On the Ave