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Cumberland County Fair Postponed Until 2022

Gov. Murphy’s recent order permitting the partial resumption of events such as fairs and festivals did not come in time for the Cumberland County Fair Association to organize and promote a successful County Fair for the summer of 2021. Carol Musso, Cumberland County Commissioner Liaison to the Fair Association, expressed disappointment that the community would be missing the fair for a second straight year due to the pandemic stating, “We look forward to our County Fair as a one-of-a-kind opportunity to come together to celebrate our agricultural roots and have a timeless carnival experience. As the planning and organization of each fair starts many months in advance, there is simply not enough time to put all the necessary elements in place to hold the fair in 2021.”

Joseph Derella, director of the Cumberland County Commissioners, indicated that the county is using the down time to make improvements to the fairgrounds that will enhance the experience of fairgoers in 2022. He stated, “We have completed a major project to address drainage issues at the fairgrounds and we are evaluating a number of additional improvements that will help transform the fairgrounds into a desirable venue for outdoor events.”

Commissioner Musso indicated that making the fairgrounds accessible is one of her primary goals stating, “We have obtained an Americans with Disability Act grant that will fund access improvements to many of the fairground’s facilities.” Musso added, “The infrastructure improvements to the fairgrounds will provide the foundation for many successful events in the future and will help make the Cumberland County Fair the premier festival in our region.”