Tutoring Center on Cumberland Campus Helps Students

There is hope for Rowan College of South Jersey–Cumberland (RCSJ) students who are looking to enhance their knowledge on class-related subjects of their choice. That hope is manifested in the form of the Cumberland Campus Tutoring Center.
The Tutoring Center provides free online and virtual tutoring services for students who seek to gain extra assistance for classes they may find challenging. The center is also a safe space for students who aspire to raise their GPA to lofty levels.
There are numerous benefits for students who utilize the Cumberland Campus Tutoring Center, including receiving a personalized learning experience, helping to upgrade academic performance and bolster study habits, and instilling confidence in self.
“Sitting down with one of our tutors, they get to understand the course content better,” said Ramona Pontelandolfo, tutor coordinator, RCSJ–Cumberland Tutoring Center. “Some of the tutors [who] have had the instructors themselves, they’ll have … a little bit of an inside scoop of what that instructor may be looking for.”
Students also have opportunities to create their own social and scholarly communities by using the Tutoring Center.
“They get to know new people,” said Pontelandolfo. “When they come here, they meet some of their … other classmates [and] sometimes they may want to form … a little study group.”
Several students spoke about some of the advantages of the Tutoring Center.
“Guaranteed, without the Tutoring Center I would be in quite a pickle,” said Jonathan Orr, freshman, RCSJ–Cumberland. “I am admittedly not the best at math, so I rely on the tutors to teach me things.”
“I wasn’t doing too well in my English 101 class last semester,” Stephanie George, freshman, RCSJ–Cumberland, added. “I was having a hard time expressing myself ‘correctly’ in my writing. So, my teacher referred me to the Tutoring Center.
There are 25 tutors available to aid students when they need additional academic assistance. The Cumberland Campus Tutoring Center is open Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Fridays 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Online tutoring services are also available throughout the day and after 6 p.m.
For more information about the Rowan College of South Jersey’s Tutoring Services, visit RCSJ.edu/Tutoring.
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