Millville Firefighters Named Heartland Heroes After Rescuing Family

New Jersey’s Heartland presented Millville Firefighters Kevin Hall and Sumner Bryan Lippincott with the April 2022 NJ Heartland Hero Award for their valiant act of saving the lives of the Hernandez family on April 4. The Hernandez family’s third-floor apartment caught fire just after midnight and the two firefighters arrived to evacuate the family. This was the first time Hall and Lippincott would rescue someone from a firetruck ladder. The two firefighters were able to save the lives of the Hernandez family that day and the family has since been searching for a new home. Contributions can be made to the Hernandez family via GoFundMe at

While New Jersey’s Heartland is filled with hidden gems, its biggest treasures are the people who make the region a great place to live, work, play, and raise a family. All Heartland Heroes receive a Heartland Heroes certificate and gift basket in recognition of their award. To nominate your Heartland Hero, visit