Springing Forth with Hope

By the time you read this, spring will have arrived. Spring—the season of rebirth, renewal, flower buds and trees leafing out, of birds singing—and of hope. It is the hope that this terrible COVID crisis, with new vaccines, will give way to a more normal lifestyle. With that hope we look even further ahead to summer and seeing the resumption of our lineup of events on The Ave in high gear. We must do this with an eye toward safety, but we must start planning. That, in itself, spells hope.

That’s why I’m excited that we already have our major sponsor locked in for our fourth Food Truck Festival on The Ave. We’re planning to bring it back after a year’s hiatus due to the pandemic. And now, also for the fourth time, our friends at Members 1st of NJ Federal Credit Union have stepped up to be the major sponsor.

The date will be Sunday, August 22, rain or shine. The place, as in the past, will be Landis Avenue and the Boulevard. And the agenda, as in the past will be wall-to-wall fun. Come hungry and stay late. We’ll have plenty of food trucks to satisfy your appetite and we’re planning more fun. It’ll again be a great day for the whole family. Of course, we’ll be abiding by whatever COVID guidelines and precautions (social distancing, masks, etc.) that’ll be in place at the time.

It’s very early and we’re just in the planning stages now, so a lot of details still need to be worked out. We’re looking ahead, though, with the attitude that “hope springs eternal.” Stay tuned!


This is a reminder that we’ve also brought back “Take Out Thursday” to help our restaurants on The Ave. This week, on March 25, check out Tony Soprano’s Pizzeria & Ristorante, at 107 W. Landis Avenue. For more information for subsequent weeks and go to our Facebook page for the restaurants’ menus, hours, and telephone numbers.


Another reminder: We have a COVID vaccination clinic right on The Ave, which will also provide COVID testing. It’s operating through the Vineland Health Department and is located in the former Landis MarketPlace building, at 631 E. Landis Ave. It’s handy, well-organized and there for you. You can get more information by contacting the Health Department at 856-794-4131.


Remember that Main Street Vineland is here to help. In the spirit of social distancing and respecting the safety of our staff, our office is currently closed to walk-in public though we are still working every day. We pass this information along to our businesses every Tuesday, in the 9 a.m. hour, on POP FM 99.9, Channel 22, and on Facebook Live on facebook.com/popfm999.

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