Millville Woman’s Club Hold Monthly Meeting

Earlier this month, the Millville Woman’s Club (MWC) welcomed members, then served a “bruncheon” organized by Beth Oliver and Joann Ayers. Members enjoyed a nice selection of breakfast and lunch dishes. President Joan Fauver then introduced the guest speaker, Rev. Karen Bernhardt from St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Millville. Rev. Bernhardt shared inspiring experiences in her life as an educator as well as the ministry. “Good done anywhere is good done everywhere” a quote from Maya Anjelou, sums up Rev. Bernhardt’s program.
The business meeting followed. There was a fall clean-up and planting of a butterfly garden outside the clubhouse. Members are working on many projects, such as collections for Thanksgiving baskets, gift bags for children, collections the Hope Ministry Center food bank, “adopting” homeless children for Christmas, cookie/candy bags for seniors, crocheting blankets for children and seniors, pet supplies going to People for Animals, and more. The MWC Chorus is also busy sharing music and good will throughout the community.
MWC invites others to join the club and participate in these projects as well as enjoying luncheons with diverse speakers, quarterly game days, monthly book discussions, singing and making new friends.
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