Where NJ Residents 50 and Older Can Get Second COVID Booster Shots

This story is being republished under a special NJ News Commons content-sharing agreement related to COVID-19 coverage. Link to FULL story: northjersey.com/story/news/coronavirus/2022/03/31/second-booster-shot-near-me-nj-covid-vaccine-locations/7231464001/
President Joe Biden got his. Gov. Phil Murphy and Tammy Murphy, the first lady, plan to get theirs.
Second booster shots for COVID-19 are available in New Jersey and recommended for those age 50 and older. The state says it has ample supplies.
Appointments can be made at hundreds of pharmacies and other sites around the state. Walk-ins are also welcome at mobile vaccination clinics and some pharmacies, health departments and public vaccine sites, such as the megasites in Burlington and Gloucester counties.
To find a vaccination location, go to covid19.nj.gov/finder. Most people have access to a shot within a few miles of their homes.
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