Professor Leads Vast Statewide Mapping Project

Rowan University Professor of geography John Hasse and a team of researchers have compiled a massive trove of New Jersey land use data and moved it all online for easy access, a project that will benefit students, journalists, municipal officials, developers and residents.

Dubbed, appropriately, NJ MAP, the project spawned numerous offshoots including the New Jersey Conservation Blueprint to help guide development in the state and to preserve valuable and often sensitive parcels for future generations.

In December, Hasse and his team, including partners at the Nature Conservancy and the N.J. Conservation Foundation, were among the recipients of the 2019 Governor’s Environmental Excellence Awards.

This resource will be extremely valuable for those who cover and attend planning board meetings and for anyone with an interest in New Jersey land use including journalists, home buyers, municipal officials, real estate agents, and more.

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