Millville Library Seeks Matching Funds for State Construction Funds
The Millville Public Library (MPL) is entering another phase of their capital campaign to expand and renovate the early 1960s library building. Last month, grant application requirements were issued with submissions due between Marth 9 and April 6. MPL is eligible for matching funds.
The library is looking for a match from the state on funds that have been raised locally. Still short, the library has until approximately September to reach the goal in order to maximize the match from the state so the project can be completed as envisioned. Any and all donations to date and going forward are most appreciated.
MPL hopes to reach half or more of the $6 million architect’s estimate for the project that has been several years in the making. The needs and vision were officially identified with the first strategic plan 2011-2013 and again in the latest plan completed in 2019. Doubling the square footage to 27,041 square feet and addressing several shortcomings will enable:
• Installation of an elevator to a lower level classroom, study area and book/resource storage
• Modernization of electrical, plumbing and HVAC infrastructure
• New roof on existing facility
• Creation of a teen center
• Shelving, entrance and lavatories that will help those with disabilities and be ADA compliant
• Creation of small meeting, seminar quiet and/or group study rooms
• Energy-efficient LEED Systems
• More space for public access computers and growing print and digital collections
• Space for future growth and flexibility in floor space for coming generations
Karen Harris, MPL board vice president, said “Maintaining the present location allows the library to continue as an anchor in the downtown and contiguous neighborhoods as well as the whole city and environs and those who require access to computers and to fill the digital divide in utilizing lifelong learning resources and recreational pursuits.”
Making all of this possible, on top of the voters approving the 2017 Library Construction Bond Act, are the Carley Foundation, the City of Millville, Millville Savings Bank and many other entities as well as more than 200 private contributors. The MPL board, staff and Friends of the Library are grateful for the pivotal roles played by the Cumberland County Improvement Authority, Triad, and their architects, Manders, Merighi, Portadin & Farrell.
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