INSPIRA HEALTH: Vaccine Clinic Hours Expanded

We have a new variant called the Mu variant, and it has shown up in every state but Nebraska. Delta certainly outnumbers it significantly. In New Jersey, we know our numbers are 90 percent of the new cases are indeed the Delta variant, and we are seeing a very, very fast spread, and unfortunately, a definite increase in our number of patients coming in with COVID.
The folks who were absolutely sure they would be immune and they wouldn’t have to worry about it now find themselves in our hospital beds, and that is just distress. We continue to work forward to make sure that we’re doing everything we can to answer people’s questions and provide the vaccine.
Inspira Health welcomes walk-ins and scheduled appointments at the vaccination distribution sites on our medical center campuses in Vineland and Mullica Hill. When you arrive, follow the signs to our vaccination areas in the parking lot.
Hours for Scheduled Appointments:
• Monday–Thursday: 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
• Saturday: 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
Hours for Walk-Ins:
• Monday–Thursday: 8 a.m.–5:45 p.m.
• Saturday: 9 a.m.–12:45 p.m.
Inspira offers the Pfizer vaccine. Dose three (3) of the Pfizer vaccine is available at Inspira for immunocompromised and other eligible individuals ages 12 and up. Please visit the CDC website for the latest guidance and eligibility information.
We obviously will continue to adjust the hours. Check back for updaates at
I’m sure you heard the same news I heard over the weekend that the FDA is recommending for everyone 65 and older, and there may be some other categories as well, both healthcare workers and potentially teachers, and that recommendation goes to the CDC. The CDC will ultimately make the recommendation on how that gets rolled out to states.
In addition, children ages five to 11, Pfizer submitted the data this week early in the morning with the FDA for their review. That review process, based upon 20 years of science and all of the work that has been previously done, will be expedited just like the others were, and the vaccine will be given emergency use at some point this fall. A week ago, we were hearing that was going to be December; this morning. I heard it could be as early as November. Whichever it is, we’ll obviously be ready to comply and work with our school districts and our parents to make sure we get that vaccine out as quickly as possible.
—Excerpted from 9/20 message by Amy Mansue, president and CEO, Inspira Health