EPA Names Delaware River and Bay Authority WasteWise Partner

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recognized the accomplishments of the Delaware River and Bay Authority (DRBA) as one of 20 WasteWise National Partners of the Year.
The DRBA, which won the Partner of the Year award for State Government, is a multifaceted transportation authority responsible for a network of bridges crossed by 35 million vehicles annually, three ferries carrying 800,000 passengers per year, and five regional airports in two states.
Over the past six years, DRBA has increased its focus on resource conservation. In 2020, the authority reduced various waste streams and recycled over four million pounds of waste. DRBA increased the amount of waste material they recycle to 25 unique commodities, including aluminum, asphalt, lead acid and NiCad batteries, cardboard, concrete, e-waste electronics, oil filters, parts washer fluids, polycarbonate plastic, used cooking oil, aerosol cans, shredded paper, used motor oil, scrap metal, soil, spent lamps, tires, wood pallets, and vegetative waste. The program’s growth is tied to collaboration with employees, the public and suppliers through measurement, education, working together, and advancing sustainable business practices.
For more information and to learn about WasteWise, visit epa.gov/smm/wastewise