Conventional Wisdom

As you read this, I will have been back from the annual Main Street Now Conference in Richmond, VA, put on by Main Street America. This is the annual convention of the national Main Street organization that brings representatives from Main Street districts from throughout the country to gather, learn what’s new in Main Street initiatives, and come back full of ideas and wisdom to impart to the local Main Street volunteers and staff. This is the first live in-person convention after a two-year hiatus because of COVID, so people were anxious and happy to be back live again.

It’s not an excuse for a fun getaway. Yes, it’s socialization while taking a look at another Main Street district. It’s, however, more than that.

It’s getting the wisdom of leaders in the field from Main Street and related organizations from throughout the country. This takes place in workshops throughout the day. We take copious notes to bring back to our respective cities and towns to discuss with our own Main Street people.

It’s exhibitors who have on display products and services that bring the latest in ideas and technology to our Main Street districts. We can share this with our individual Main Street people and city government representatives.

Just as important, it’s networking. We can share with our fellow Main Streeters from other cities and towns, learn what they’re doing that we can copy, inform them of things we’re doing from which they can profit and, generally, use this as a barometer as to where we stand.

I’ve found these conventions most enlightening and informative, as have representatives from Main Street Vineland who’ve attended before me.

I know that I’ll have much to share about the experience, but that remains ahead.

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Also ahead, we’ll have more information coming up soon about our next two events – Cruise Down Memory Lane on June 11 and Running the Ave 5k on June 26. There’s still time to register for all of our events and sponsorship opportunities exist for them, as well.

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Main Street Vineland is here to help. We pass important business information along to our businesses every Wednesday, in the 9 a.m. hour, and on SNJ Today POP FM 99.9, and Comcast Channel 22.

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This is all the more reason to make The Ave your destination for shopping, dining, and entertainment needs, as well as for fun all year round. Save money on gasoline, avoid the long lines at the big-box stores, malls, and shopping centers, and take in the rich variety of fun things to do—right in your own backyard.

For more on Main Street Vineland, call our office at 856-794-8653, visit—or check us out on Facebook. You can also e-mail me at [email protected].

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