Woman’s Club Participates in County Trash Hunt

From left: Millville Woman’s Club members Diane Alcantara, Ceci Brandt, Claudia Rempfer, Pam McNamee, and Louise Jones. Not pictured: Nancy Hammond.

Clouds and a few raindrops did not deter Millville Woman’s Club (MWC) volunteers from picking up trash around their clubhouse neighborhood on Saturday, March 26. As chairperson of MWC Civic Engagement Committee, Louise Jones arranged for MWC to participate in Cumberland County Annual Public Lands Cleanup Trash Hunt. The club has been involved with this event in previous years and, while there was a lapse during the pandemic, it was time to get back on this mission.

With gloves, bags, extended grabbers and appropriate dress for the weather, a crew of MWC members set out to collect bags of trash that had been dropped accidentally or thoughtlessly. In doing, these women also helped to set an example and encourage people to be mindful of how they casually discard coffee/soda cups, sandwich bags, candy wrappers, cigarettes, etc. and to urge disposal of these items in appropriate receptacles.

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