Woman’s Club of Vineland Sponsors Youth Art Month Contest

Creative Arts Chairman June Lang presents awards to the winning students.

The Woman’s Club of Vineland, in conjunction with the Vineland Public Schools, sponsored and judged an art contest for students in grades K through 5, to celebrate Youth Art Month in March. All eight local elementary schools participated in this annual event, which had been on hold for several years due to the pandemic. The event culminated in a reception and awards ceremony at Landis School. Each school was awarded a first, second and third place award, which was presented by June Lang, Creative Arts Chairman for the Woman’s Club of Vineland.

All first-place winners received a $50 gift card to Michael’s Arts and Crafts. The second- and third-place winners also received gift cards to Michael’s Arts and Crafts for the amounts of $25 and $15, respectively. All prizes, ribbons and award certificates were donated by the Woman’s Club of Vineland, a member of the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs.

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