Vineland Public Charter School Celebrates National School Choice Week

National School Choice Week (NSCW) was celebrated held last week at the Vineland Public Charter School (VPCS) in Vineland. The school serves students in grades pre-k through eighth grade.
They had a series of events planned to celebrate NSCW and it began with awarding three middle school students gift cards from Five Below for a locker decorating contest on why they love their school. After the contest a parade ensued with all the primary level students in the hallways followed by the official school choice dance in their cafeteria with all grades participating.
The celebration ended with each student enjoying their own individual pretzel treat provided by the Association of American Educators (AAE) with an inspirational quote reminding them, “Don’t get it Twisted, this year would Knot be the same without VPCS and students like you.”
Throughout the morning, a student in seventh grade played the violin in the main hall. While this student has only been playing violin for one year he was playing classical music such as Mozart, Bach and Beethoven by memory (no sheet music) for everyone’s listening pleasure.