Prime Time

by Russell Swanson, Exec. Dir., VDID, Main Street Vineland

In this column a few weeks ago, I mentioned that this first part of the year is “planning season” for Main Street Vineland. You don’t see much action in the way of events, but that’s because a whole lot of planning is going on behind the scenes.

You can become part of all this and, in fact, this is prime time for getting involved on the ground floor. We had our first round of quarterly meetings for our teams—Organization, Design. Promotions, and Economic Vitality—in January and we’ll have them again in April. They’ll be in that rotation on Thursdays at 12 noon at the Main Street Vineland office, 603 E. Landis Avenue. If you want to attend virtually—on Zoom—let us know and we’ll send you the link. I summarized the teams in a previous column and if you already know which team or teams you want to join, let us know and you’ll get notice of subcommittee meetings, where much of the planning takes place.

Our Board of Directors meetings take place on the third Wednesday of each month at 8 a.m. at the Main Street Vineland office. Those meetings are open to the public, so if you want a good overview of what’s going on, feel free to attend. I’ll have more information about the Board—its structure and what it does—in a future column.

This is also prime time to become a sponsor for any of our events, which I also outlined in a previous column. If you, your organization, or your company wants to sponsor one or more of our events, we have sponsorship levels to fit any budget. We’re soliciting for sponsorships right now, so this is the perfect time to make your move. The earlier you sponsor, the more “bang for your buck” you get in terms of publicity, advertising exposure, and press exposure when we publicize our events.

As we add more events and initiatives to the calendar—whether you join us as a volunteer, sponsor, or in some other capacity—you’ll be “in the loop” to hear about them first.

So, why not join us now, while the joining’s good, and have an opportunity to shine in prime time in Main Street Vineland.


Remember that Main Street Vineland is here to help. We pass important business information along to our businesses every Wednesday, in the 9 a.m. hour, and on SNJ Today POP FM 99.9, and Comcast Channel 22.


This is all the more reason to make The Ave your destination for shopping, dining, and entertainment needs, as well as for fun all year round.

Save money on gasoline, avoid the long lines at the big-box stores, malls, and shopping centers, and take in the rich variety of fun things to do—right in your own backyard.

For more on Main Street Vineland, call our office at 856-794-8653, visit—or check us out on Facebook. You can also e-mail me at [email protected].

On the Ave