Positive Measures
YMCA begins blood pressure screening program to help adults who have high blood pressure, County Office on Aging offers free conference for caregivers.
One in every three American adults has high blood pressure. To address this issue, the Cumberland Cape Atlantic YMCA has begun a new Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring Program. This is available to help local adults who have high blood pressure.
The program features individualized support for developing a self-monitoring routine, plus tips for maintaining cardiovascular and nutritional health. Participants may contact the YMCA to apply for the program by calling Pamela Heaton, the Y’s Community Integrated Health coordinator, at 856-691-0030, ext. 118. Registrations are being accepted now. The program runs for four months.
Heaton explained, “Only half of those with high blood pressure control it. This program aims to help individuals measure and lower theirs. We accomplish this through personal consultations, seminars, and tracking. Research has shown that these techniques can be effective in lowering blood pressure.”
To enter the program, each person must be at least 18 years old and have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, and not have experienced a recent cardiac event, not be at risk for lymphedema, and not have atrial fibrillation or other arrhythmias.
The fee is $25 for community members or $15 for YMCA facility members. For details, call Heaton or check ccaymca.org.
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