Millville Woman’s Club Supports CASA
While the Millville Woman’s Club has been supportive of the NJ Department of Child Protection and Permanency by their involvement with CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocacy for abused or neglected children), and donating books and duffel bags, the Club’s Creative Arts Committee has been contributing in another way.
EllenBeth Nappen (in top photo) is the chairperson of this committee and she’s been busy making blankets for the children. Crocheting the squares and then sewing them together is a time-consuming endeavor, but very worth her while. EllenBeth made seven colorful blankets last summer that were picked up by a representative from the NJ DCPP. Club member Nancy Booz (also pictured) joined EllenBeth in the fall and they made 13 more blankets. These went to the NJ DCPP during the holiday season. Club member Nuha Hababo has recently joined EllenBeth and Nancy and they are all making blankets for the children. Nancy smiled, as she sat working on the blanket in her lap, noting that this is a good project to keep her warm during these winter months.
Common Ground