Let’s Take a Walk
You’ve seen a few times in this column mention of our Walk The Ave initiative and the dedication of the walking trails that are part of it. With the day of official inaugural happening next week, I think the details are worth repeating.
The special day will be next Tuesday, September 14 and the time will be 12 p.m. After a ribbon-cutting at the Main Street Vineland office, 603 E. Landis Avenue, and some opening remarks, a special “celebrity” one-mile will take place—one of three walking trails that make up the Walk The Ave program.
Signage is in place to guide walkers and maps will be available, but let’s go over the walking trails in detail. The one-mile loop goes up Sixth Street to Elmer Street to East Avenue, with the ability to get on anywhere in the loop and end up where you started. This loop goes right by the Vineland Historical & Antiquarian Society and is perfect for a “historical walk.” The two-mile loop goes up and down Landis Avenue from East and West avenues and goes right through the main business district of The Ave—perfect for shopping or browsing. The three-mile loop is a combination of the one- and two-mile loops. Walkers are, of course, advised to obey all traffic laws when crossing streets.
A key purpose of the program is to promote healthy living by getting out and walking or running, but we also want to get “feet on the street” for our businesses on The Ave. It’s an opportunity to discover—or re-discover—the businesses in our downtown. While you’re at it, shop downtown, eat downtown, socialize with your friends and fellow walkers downtown. It’s also an opportunity for some micro-events, such as a restaurant tour, a health day, walking to the mini-parks for a yoga class, a kids walk with Santa, and other possibilities.
So, head downtown next Tuesday at noon and help celebrate another downtown initiative that will contribute to a healthier Vineland and happy trails to you on The Ave.
More reminders:
• The 29th Cruise Down Memory Lane will take place Saturday, October 16, from 4 to 8 p.m. (change in time), with the rain date as the next day from 2 to 5 p.m. More than 1,000 classic cars will line The Ave for the downtown Vineland tradition. This event draws people from throughout the area. It has long put The Ave on the map for classical car enthusiasts and cruise fans. Watch for more.
• Our A Taste of Vineland & Volunteer Recognition Event will be returning after a one-year hiatus on Wednesday, October 27 from 6 to 9 p.m., at the Greenview Inn at Eastlyn Golf Course. 4049 Italia Ave., Vineland. Many of Vineland’s finest restaurants will be offering samples of their delicious signature dishes—main courses, appetizers, and desserts—as well as a fabulous silent auction and much more. We’ll also be recognizing those of our Main Street Vineland volunteers and partners who have contributed greatly to the work of our organization. We’ll have breaking news about that soon. Additional sponsorship opportunities are available and ad space will be available in the event program book. n
• New Event: Plans are in the works for a craft and antiques fair/sidewalk sale for Saturday, November 6, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. We are working with a firm that has a large database of crafters. It will be a juried show, with the firm and Main Street Vineland working on the participant selection process. We are also inviting our merchants on The Ave to participate in the sidewalk show aspect of the event. You’ll be reading more about this exciting new event in the weeks to come.
• Watch for news on some upcoming ribbon-cutting events to help celebrate quite a few new businesses that have opened on The Ave in the past few months.
Remember that Main Street Vineland is here to help. We pass important business information along to our businesses every Wednesday, in the 9 a.m. hour, on SNJ Today 99.9 POP FM, Channel 22, and on Facebook Live on facebook.com/snjtodayradio. n
This is all the more reason to make The Ave your destination for shopping, dining, and entertainment needs, as well as for fun all year round. Save money on gasoline, avoid the long lines at the big-box stores, malls, and shopping centers, and take in the rich variety of fun things to do—right in your own backyard.
• Our A Taste of Vineland & Volunteer Recognition Event returns after a one-year hiatus on Wednesday, October 27 from 6 to 9 p.m., at the Greenview Inn at Eastlyn Golf Course. 4049 Italia Ave., Vineland. Many of Vineland’s finest restaurants will be offering samples of their delicious signature dishes—main courses, appetizers, and desserts—as well as a silent auction and more. We’ll also be recognizing those of our Main Street Vineland volunteers and partners who have contributed greatly to the work of our organization. We’ll have breaking news about that soon. Additional sponsorship opportunities are available and ad space will be available in the event program book. n
• The 29th Cruise Down Memory Lane will take place Saturday, October 16, from 5 to 9 p.m., with the rain date as the next day from 2 to 5 p.m. Over a thousand classic cars will line The Ave for the downtown Vineland tradition. Watch for more.
• Our A Taste of Vineland & Volunteer Recognition Event will be returning after a one-year hiatus on Wednesday, October 27 from 6 to 9 p.m., at the Greenview Inn at Eastlyn Golf Course. 4049 Italia Ave., Vineland. Many of Vineland’s finest restaurants under will be offering samples of their signature dishes and we’ll also be recognizing those of our Main Street Vineland volunteers and partners who have contributed greatly to the work of our organization. n
dditional sponsorship opportunities are available and ad space will be available in the event program book.
Additional sponsorship opportunities are available for all events and whatever COVID guidelines will be in effect at the time of each event will be enforced.