Job Corps Program at Vineland Public Library
Are you looking for employment opportunities? Start at the Vineland Public Library’s free Job Corps orientation. Job Corps is the largest vocational trade school in the country. It is a free, residential program to those who meet eligibility guidelines. The program is open to individuals 16 to 24 years old who need a high school diploma and/or hands-on training. Training takes eight to 15 weeks to complete. To hold a seat for this free program, call Job Corps at 856-305-7388. The July program will take place on Tuesday, July 16 from 2 to 4 p.m. in Vineland Public Library’s lobby, located at 1058 E. Landis Avenue.
Can’t make it in July? Vineland Public Library will be hosting free Job Corps orientations one Tuesday every month.
All areas of the library are accessible to people with disabilities. Visit, or call 856-794-4244, to learn more about services and programs. Regular library hours are Monday-Wednesday (9-7); Thursday (10-7); Friday (10-5); Saturday (9-1); closed Sunday.
Palmetto Southern Kitchen + Bar Opens March 18 in Asbury Park, NJ