Indoor, Outdoor Capacity Limits Updated

Gov. Murphy has updated capacity limits for indoor and outdoor gatherings.


• General outdoor gatherings must be limited to 50 people and social distancing must be practiced. At 6 a.m. on Friday, April 2, the general outdoor gathering limit will increase to 200 people.

• There is no limit for outdoor gatherings for wedding ceremonies, funerals, memorial services, religious activities, or political activities.

• Outdoor wedding receptions are limited to 150 individuals.

• Outdoor sports practices and competitions may exceed the general outdoor gathering limit under specific exceptions.

• Outdoor performances at outdoor entertainment centers, including movie theaters, performing arts centers, and other concert venues, are limited to a number that ensures that all people can remain six feet apart, but no more than 150 people. Outdoor performances in an outside area adjacent to an indoor entertainment centers must be limited to 35 percent of the facility’s indoor capacity, but no more than 150 people, not including staff.

• Large venues, including sports and entertainment venues, with a fixed seating capacity of 5,000 or more may host events at 15 percent capacity outdoors; the 15 percent capacity limit excludes participants, such as athletes and performers, and staff, such as coaches and ushers, but include patrons and other members of the public. At 6 a.m. on Friday, April 2, venues with a seating capacity of 2,500 or more will be permitted to host events at 30 percent capacity outdoors.



• General indoor gatherings must be limited to 25 people. All attendees at indoor gatherings must wear face coverings and stay six feet apart.

• Indoor wedding receptions are capped at 35 percent of the room’s indoor capacity, but no more than 150 individuals. At 6 a.m. on Friday, April 2, this limit will also apply to all indoor private catered events at dining establishments or at businesses that work with licensed caterers.

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