Tuesday on the Fly

CU Maurice River 17 E. Main St., Millville, NJ, United States

CU hosts Vineland Hsitorical and Antiquarian Society Tour. 9 a.m. or 856-5331 to register.

Books and Brews

Cumberland County Library 800 E. Commerce St., Bridgeton, NJ, United States

Cumberland County Library, 800 E. Commerce St., Bridgeton. 6:30–7:30 p.m. Coffee and talk about what book you’re reading. Registration required; call 856-453-2210, ext. 26103, or e-mail [email protected].

CU Saturday: Eagle Trail Walk

Natural Lands' Glades Wildlife Refuge Turkey Point Rd., Newport, NJ, United States

(Rescheduled from 1/20) Natural Lands, The Glades - Eagle Trailhead, Turkey Point Rd. 9 a.m. Winter walk through Glades Wildlife Refuge; team of CU naturalists will discuss the history of […]

Afternoon Tea and Coloring for Adults

Vineland Public Library 1058 E. Landis Ave., Vineland, NJ, United States

Vineland Public Library, 1058 E. Landis Ave., Vineland. 2–3 p.m. Coloring is not just for kids anymore! Studies have shown that coloring helps adults de-stress, generates wellness, and stimulates brain […]

Writers Society Gathering

Vineland Public Library 1058 E. Landis Ave., Vineland, NJ, United States

Vineland Public Library, 1058 E. Landis Ave., Vineland. 4–5:30 p.m. Discussion and writing critiques. Free to attend with registration requested. 856-794-4244 ext. 4243.

Citizens United’s Social Film Series

Trinity AME Church 1107 Bridgeton Millville Pike, Bridgeton, NJ, United States

Trinity AME Church, 1107 Bridgeton-Millville Pike, Bridgeton. 6:30 p.m. Screening of the short film Treasures of New Jersey: The Peter Mott House Underground Railroad Museum, produced by PBS. Also, at […]

20th Annual Snowflake Plunge

Union Lake 706-730 Sharp St., Millville, NJ, United States

Union Lake Beach, 1414 Canal St., Millville. 12 noon. $10 fee for participating, donated New Jersey Make-A-Wish Foundation or Fox Chase Cancer Center. Pre-register by obtaining a registration form from […]

20th Annual Snowflake Plunge

Union Lake 706-730 Sharp St., Millville, NJ, United States

Union Lake Beach, 1414 Canal St., Millville. 12 noon. $10 fee for participating, donated New Jersey Make-A-Wish Foundation or Fox Chase Cancer Center. Pre-register by obtaining a registration form from […]

Abolition and the Underground Railroad in South Jersey

Vineland Historical and Antiquarian Society 108 S. 7th St., Vineland, NJ, United States

Vineland Historical and Antiquarian Society, 108 S. Seventh St., Vineland. 1 p.m. Featuring Ellen D. Alford, South Jersey resident and local historian who researches and writes about the Underground Railroad, […]

Wetlands Family Night

Vineland Public Library 1058 E. Landis Ave., Vineland, NJ, United States

Vineland Public Library, 1058 E. Landis Ave., Vineland. For ages 12 and younger. Join Monarch Family Success Center and Vineland Public Library for a family night featuring live animals from […]