Donations Needed: Back to School Supplies
Through August 18: Fill one bookbag with these basic supplies to help our refugee youth get prepared for school!
- Each bag should include:
- 1 pack of pens
- 1 pack of #2 pencils
- 1 pack of highlighters
- 2 composition notebooks
- 1 3 ring binder
- 1 pack of paper for binder
- 2 pocket folders
- 1 eraser
- 1 pencil sharpener
- 1 pack of markers, crayons and/or colored pencils
Cleaning Supplies Drive
Through August 23: Fill one small trash can with cleaning supplies to help furnish homes for newly arriving refugees (no travel size items, please).
Each kit should include:
- 1 all purpose cleaner
- 1 sponge
- 1 bottle of dish detergent
- 1 bottle of laundry detergent (30 oz. or more)
- 1 broom (dustpans appreciated)
For more details on either drive, contact to schedule a time to drop off items at 2384 E Landis Ave, Vineland NJ 08361