Be Counted: Census 2020
Once every decade, a census of the entire U.S. population is conducted. More than a head count. It shows how communities have changed and helps determine where to build new schools, hospitals and businesses; how federal funding is distributed; and how congressional seats are apportioned.
Participation is easy and convenient. For the first time ever, the U.S. Census Bureau will accept responses online as well as by phone or mail beginning in late March through June 2020.
No law enforcement agency (including DHS, ICE, FBI or CIA) can access or use your personal information at any time. The data collected can only be used for statistical purposes that help determine important decisions such as the amount of federal funding your community receives for necessary programs and services.
The Census Bureau will never ask for your Social Security number, bank or credit card account numbers, money, or anything on behalf of a political party.
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