Be a Woodland Steward

The New Jersey Woodland Stewards (NJWS) Program is an outreach effort for those who embrace a forest stewardship ethic; who want to learn more about sustainable forest management; and are willing to share what they learn with others. This volunteer forestry education program is sponsored by the NJ Forestry Association, Rutgers Cooperative Extension and the NJ Forest Service.
The program is scheduled for September 21–24, and starts with registration on Thursday, September 21 between 4 and 5:15 p.m. Dinner is served at 5:30 p.m.; instruction begins after dinner, continues Friday, Saturday and Sunday and ends on Sunday at 3:15 p.m.
The location is YMCA Camp Linwood MacDonald, Sandyston, NJ. Registration is $75, which includes all meals, lodging, supplies, handouts, indoor meeting areas, and study in the surrounding forest. In return, each participant agrees to volunteer 30 hours promoting forestry in New Jersey.
Questions about the application process or the program? Contact Lori Jenssen by phone (908-832-2400), or e-mail ([email protected]).
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