Back-to-School Health and Resource Fair Set for August 30
Are you ready for the new school year? The Cumberland County Library and its community partners want to help your family get off on the right foot this year with their upcoming Back to School Health and Resource Fair, happening on Tuesday, August 30 from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Alms Center, located at 1 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way in Bridgeton.
All those attending the event will get a free backpack loaded with a variety of useful school supplies. Also, to make sure everyone’s school year starts on a healthy note, Southern Jersey Family Medical Centers will be providing COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters, and Project BEST will be on hand giving free eye screenings. Plus, a wide variety of community agencies will be providing free literature and handouts to let everyone know about the great family resources available throughout the community. Also, grab-and-go meal bags will be available at the kitchen window.
PLEASE NOTE: Although registration is not required to attend this event, there are a limited number of appointment spots for the free eye screenings from Project BEST. To reserve an eye screening appointment, click the link available on the Cumberland County Library Facebook page.
The event is part of a grant-funded partnership between the Cumberland County Library and the New Jersey Department of Health.
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