A Rich History

Rise and Shine Ministries celebrates Black history.

Rise and Shine Ministries celebrated Black History Month in February by reading, learning and sharing a rich history that often goes untold. Each group presented the person they chose with skits, dances, Powerpoint, artwork and stories. The winning team, led by Karime Matos, did a Powerpoint presentation on Maya Angelou. They shared her incredible life and presented artwork telling her story. Her teammates, Patricia Allen, Saafiya Robinson and Demetrus Hudson each played an important role for this winning team.

Tommy Gonzalez led his team in presenting a heartfelt skit depicting Rosa Parks, played by Jackie Forman. Shay Shay Bowser and Destiny Gonzalez presented Misty Copeland, a pioneer in American ballet who made a way for more dancers of color in the ballet world. Ghayala Robinson and her team shared the presentation about CJ Walker, who was ahead of her time in sharing hair care products made exclusively for women of color and becoming one of the first black women to become a millionaire. Ashley Gonzalez and TyShawn English led their team by representing Harriet Tubman, a true hero on the path to freedom! They closed their presentation with a dance led by Alex Gonzalez and Leighla Couch.

The preschool class kicked off the celebration by reenacting the March on Selma, with Dr. Martin Luther King. Jayon Brownlow, Ayonna Handy, Josiah Badger, Omar Forman, Empress Robinson, JaSir Pierce, King Robinson and Alicia Yorke brought incredible meaning to the day.

Rise and Shine Ministries is a year-round program offering after-school homework help, summer camp, mentoring, life groups and dinner five days a week. Everything Rise and Shine does is at no cost to the children or their families.