Women Celebrate History, Right to Vote
Seen here celebrating the right to vote on the steps of the Vineland Historical & Antiquarian society, Daughters of the American Revolution and Friends are ready with antique and vintage hats and placards with campaign quotes from the early 1900s.
“Votes for Women” is an educational program featuring actress and first person interpreter, Alisha Dupuy from Ladies of History. She portrays Alice Paul (1885-1977), a major figure in the women’s suffrage movement.
A November event will celebrate and honor the many women who struggled for more than 70 years to get a constitutional amendment granting all American women the right to vote. The Cumberland Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol will provide a color guard and the National Anthem will be sung by Millville Senior High School student, Jessica Berry. The program takes place on Saturday, November 9, at 1 p.m. in the First Presbyterian Church (119 North 2nd St., Millville, NJ 08332).
This event is open to the public and sponsored by the Greenwich Tea Burning Chapter, a non-profit, non-political women’s volunteer service organization. Refreshments follow the program. Cost per person: $15. Make check payable to Greenwich Tea Burning Chapter DAFI. Mail to V. Baron, PO Box 428, Port Elizabeth, NJ 08348. For more information, contact Rhoda Turner, [email protected] 856-691-7278 or Valerie Baron, [email protected] 609-364-8525. Funding has been made possible in part by the NJ Historical Commission/Department of State and the Cumberland County Board of Chosen Freeholders through the Cumberland County Cultural & Heritage Commission.
Back row, from left: Eileen Murphy, Ruth Hedden, Joan Freimanis, Marie Johnson, Doris Moore, Sarah Tarptne (Chapter Regent). Front row: Mary Cronin (Chaplain), Joan Nowcid (Historian), Barbara DeMaio, Barbara Bennett (Corresponding. Sec.), Luella Dreyer.