2023 County Alliance Steering Subcommittee (CASS) Meetings

February 6, April 3, June 5, October 2, and December 4
All CASS meetings will be held at 1:30 p.m. hybrid (IN-PERSON at Capital Recovery Center, 72 N. Pearl Street, Bridgeton, NJ 08302) or teleconference through Microsoft Teams unless otherwise publicized.
Meeting ID: 279 504 059 149 – Passcode: uAKNUP
Call in (audio only): 1-856-209-3537, Phone Conference ID: 709 241 782#
The public may also join the meeting by logging on to our county website at CumberlandCountyNJ.Gov and clicking the Microsoft Teams Meeting Link listed on the Calendar. Please contact Ashleigh Huff at 856-459-3082 with any questions or issues accessing the meeting.