16th Annual South Jersey Pumpkin Show
It has something for everyone, including lovers of pumpkin pie and other fall food classics.
The 16th annual South Jersey Pumpkin Show occurs on Saturday, October 12 and Sunday, October 13. The two-day “Festival of Pumpkins” will be held at the Salem County Fairgrounds, 735 Harding Highway in Woodstown. The event has new show hours of Saturday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The South Jersey Pumpkin Show has become one of the best ways to welcome the autumn harvest with kids and parents alike. Festival goers visiting will enjoy pumpkin desserts, crafts booths, Fall Home Show, fun contests, give-a-ways, wine sampling, food court, NJ Largest Baked Pumpkin Pie, amusements, pony rides and hayrides around the fairgrounds. The festival will host a variety of live musical acts daily.
The giant Pumpkin Pyramid, filled with pumpkins, gourds and mums, represents everything beautiful about the fall harvest. Each year many of the vendors create hand-crafted scarecrows and festival goers are invited to judge entries.
Saturday activities includes the Decorated Wagons & Stroller Contest and Adults Pumpkin Toss with more than $500 in prize money awarded. The best pumpkin desserts are being sought for the Fun Pumpkin Food contest and free sampling.
Saturday will showcase the reading of the Sleepy Hollow legend and the arrival of the Headless Horsemen. The Halloween Costume Contest & Trick or Treat Stroll for kids ages 4-10 begins at 6 p.m.
Sunday features NJ Giant Pumpkin Weigh Off at 11 a.m. Last year’s pumpkin tipped the scale at 1,179 pounds, setting a record.
All Breed Fun Dog Show at noon & Little Miss & Mister Pumpkin Show King & Queen Pageant at 2 p.m. Come search for one of our Halloween Painted Rocks and win amazing prizes.
The Salem County Fairgrounds is located just a few miles from Delaware Memorial Bridge. Admission is free; parking is $5 a carload good for both days. Free trick or treat bags, free pumpkins/gourds to first 200 kids daily. Event runs rain or shine. Visit the website for details and updates at sjpumpkinshow.com.