Woman’s Club Plans for NJSFWC Convention

The New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs past presidents of the Southern District gathered together on February 21 at the Tuckahoe Inn to enjoy lunch and discuss ideas for the NJSFWC. The Convention will be held in Atlantic City on May 4–6. Mary Wolfe is a past president of the Woman’s Club of Vineland and is the outgoing President of the NJSFWC.

The Woman’s Club of Vineland is looking for women who would be interested in helping the community with various projects and would like to join other women with similar interests. For more information about the Woman’s Club of Vineland call 856-696-3944 and like us on facebook.

From left: Laura Badger, NJSFWC Honors Chairman, Mary Wolfe, NJSFWC President, Nancy Miceli, President of the Ex-Presidents Club, and Ora Kokal, chairman of the upcoming NJSFWC Convention.

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