When Will We Get the First Inch of Snow This Winter Season?
The annual First Inch of Snowblower Contest is here. You must live in South Jersey (Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Ocean or Salem county.
You also must be 18 years old to qualify and you must download or have downloaded the NorCast Weather App (free in your apple and android store) and “Follow/Like” NorEasterNick on Facebook.
When the first inch of snow is recorded in Hammonton (centralized location), NorEaster Nick Pittman will randomly select the winner if more than one viewer entered the same date.
He will contact the winner and coordinate the pickup or dropoff of the snowblower. To enter, visit noreasternick.com/snowblower and complete the form. One entry only, please, so take your best and most educated guess. Good luck!
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