Vineland Blitz Football Team Seeks Cheerleaders, Coaches

The Vineland Blitz Junior Football League is accepting registrations for cheerleaders for the coming 2021 season.

Students at all cheer levels, especially the Varsity Cheer level, are needed. Anyone from age 5 to 14 is encouraged to register.

The cheer teams are divided into four age groups:

• Taxi Cheer – grades K, 1, 2

• Pee Wee Cheer – grades 3, 4

• JV Cheer – grades 5, 6

• Varsity Cheer – grades 7, 8

Practices generally run Monday through Thursday from 6 to 8 p.m., except for the Taxi Cheer practice, which ends at 7:30 p.m. Practice times are subject to change.

“Cheerleading helps build confidence and self-esteem, social skills, and teamwork. It is a great opportunity to get your child back into physical activity with classmates and friends,” said Samantha Goff, cheer coordinator.

Cheer registration is $75, which includes cheer shoes. The deadline to register for cheerleading is August 12.

Goff and head coach Courtney Gruccio are eager to assist you throughout the registration process. For more information, go to or e-mail

Vineland Blitz is also looking for coaches in any cheer level. If interested in becoming a cheerleading coach, inquire at c

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