Vietnam Memorial ‘Moving Wall’ to Visit Buena Borough This Week

Mayor David Zappariello and Buena Borough Council are proud to announce that the Moving Wall, a half-sized replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC, will be on display as the first of a series of events, honoring the Borough’s veterans. The Department of Defense is coordinating, supporting and facilitating programs to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War at Federal, State and local levels.
Area residents will have the opportunity to view this national treasure beginning on October 3. The memorial will be located at the corner of Central Avenue and Southwest Boulevard in Minotola.
The Wall stands six feet tall at the center and covers nearly 300 feet from end to end. It will be escorted into the Borough by several veterans’ groups and the opening ceremony will commence at 6 p.m. on October 3. The Wall will be open for visitation daily, through October 7, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
The opening program will feature keynote speaker, Senator Chris Brown, a Vietnam War veteran, pinning ceremony and a full memorial service performed by Last Salute. For more information regarding the event, call Katrina D’Alessandro at 936-788-3389. Additional information about the Wall can be found on the Facebook page “The Moving Wall Visits the Borough of Buena.”