VHAS Magazine Seeks Submissions
If you are interested in history and you would like to submit an article for a future issue of the Vineland Historical and Antiquarian Society Magazine, you may contact Board of Trustee member Ahmad Graves-El at [email protected] or Curator Patricia A. Martinelli at 856-691-1111 or [email protected].
While most issues are of general interest, there will be upcoming issues that deal specifically with one area of history. Poetry is also welcomed.
The Magazine is not limited to Vineland. Submissions that focus on regional history, New Jersey or the United States, will also be considered. Topics can include social issues as long as they have a historical component. It is interesting to see that many of today’s struggles, such as social injustice, homelessness, drug abuse, violence, and social and economic inequalities, were all areas of concern in the early days of the United States.
Articles can range from 1,000 to 5,000 words in length and may be accompanied by photographs or illustrations. Final submission date is June 1.
Authors will receive no payment other than two copies of the magazine. Aspiring writers: This is an excellent opportunity for to get your work published.
The Vineland Historical Magazine was started in 1916 by Society Secretary Frank D. Andrews, who devoted more than 40 years of his life to preserving the collections. Andrews was a respected scholar and an author, who wrote about regional history, coin collecting and a variety of other subjects.
For information about the Vineland Historical and Antiquarian Society, including upcoming events, visit discovervinelandhistory.org or Facebook.com/discovervinelandhistory.org.
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