Triple Crown Toastmasters Recognized

Heidi Koering and Chris Loftin earned the Toastmasters Triple Crown award this year. The Triple Crown award is a prestigious award honoring those who earned three or more leadership and communication goals in one year.

Heidi Koering’s focus this year was the leadership goals in the traditional Toastmasters program. She served as Area Director, club coach, and local club officer and was awarded Speak E-Z Toastmaster of the Year (TOY).

Chris Loftin is advancing in the new Toastmasters program called Pathways. He serves as an ambassador to spearhead the new program for other Toastmasters and was one of the first in District 38 to earn the first Path.

If interested in joining Toastmasters, come visit a meeting. Next meeting is Thursday, August 1, at Millville Medical Bldg., 1700 N. 10th St., Millville, NJ 08332. Guests are asked to arrive by 6:45 p.m. so they can greet you before the meeting. or Contact Richard Kretschmer at 856-430-5250 or [email protected].

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