Toasting the Winners

Speak E-Z Toastmasters Club in Millville recently held its International & Humorous speech contest, chaired by Richard Kretschmer, president. Contestants for the International speech contest came prepared with a five- to seven-minute speech intending to impress the judges. While the Humorous contestants gave a speech to make everyone laugh.
The chief judge, Heidi Koering, Area D41 Director formally briefed the judges of their responsibilities and judging criteria in content, delivery, and language of each speech. The scores were tallied, and Kirk Cavalier won the International Speech Contest. Freddy Clay won the Humorous contest.
Both contestants will advance to the Area 41 Contest to be held at Rowan South Jersey Technology Park on February 20 at 6:30 p.m. Winners at each level continue to advance to the next level with the ultimate International Contest.
Interested in joining Toastmasters? Go to their Open House on March 5 or visit any meeting and see if Toastmasters is for you! Speak E-Z meets the first and third Thursday of each month. Please arrive by 6:45 to be greeted. Meeting location: 1700 N. 10th Street, Millville, NJ 08332. or Contact Richard Kretschmer at 856-430-5250 [email protected]
Top photo, from left: Freddy Clay, Humorous Speech winner with club president Rich Kretschmer.
Kirk Cavalier, International speech winner with president Rich Kretschmer.