Student Rep at Vineland Woman’s Club
The Woman’s Club of Vineland, held their Business Meeting on Monday evening October 14. The guest speaker for the evening was Omarly Cruz-Lovera, who was chosen to attend Douglas College last June for a taste of college life. Omarly thanked the Woman’s Club of Vineland for giving her this experience of staying in a college dorm and attending seminars and meeting other girls and roommates with whom she keeps in touch. She is applying to Rutgers University and pursuing a Science major. Every year the Woman’s Club of Vineland chooses one or two girls who are juniors in high school to attend the Girls’ Career Institute at the Douglass Residential College in New Brunswick, which is sponsored by the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs. This gives girls who will be seniors ideas of what career they would like to pursue.
The Woman’s Club of Vineland is looking for women who would be interested in helping the community with various projects and would like to join other women with similar interests. If interested, come out to the next Business Meeting on November 11 at 1 p.m. The speaker is Mary Ann Hamidy from the Youth Advocacy Program. The target for November is individual snacks, juice and adult winter hats, scarves and gloves for Code Blue.
The Antiques & Collectibles will be on November 1 and 2 starting at 10 a.m. at the corner of Washington Avenue and Main Road.
For more information about the Woman’s Club of Vineland, call 856-696-3944 and like them on facebook.
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