Solve 2023 Indigenous Communities Fellowship Applications Callout
A leading initiative for global change at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Solve, is seeking Indigenous innovators and Native social impact entrepreneurs, organizations, and tribal communities to apply for the MIT Solve Indigenous Communities Fellowship.
Founded in 2018, the Fellowship has expanded from the Oceti Sakowin, Hopi Tribe, and Navajo Nation communities to a national call for Fellows from Hawai‘i to Alaska and coast-to-coast across the United States and its territories.
The deadline to apply is May 9, 2023 and the MIT Solve community is looking for eight technology-based solutions that help Native communities in the U.S. thrive.
Each Fellow will receive nine months of in-kind support, a $10,000 award of unrestricted funds, and are eligible for a number of additional prizes out of a pool of over $1 million. Submitted solutions must include the use of technology for practical and functional purposes, including ancestral knowledge and traditional technology.
Strong preference will be given to Native-led projects by Native applicants who directly benefit and are located within Native communities in the United States and Canada.
Solve will be hosting its annual US Equity Summit in Tulsa Oklahoma March 23-24. Request an invitation to meet our current Indigenous Communities Fellows and learn ways to continue to support Indigenous, Black, and Brown communities.
Have additional questions? Contact Aaron Slater (Navajo Nation), MIT Solve Lead, US Community at [email protected]. To submit an application, visit the following link:
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