Purple Martin Cruises

Wednesday through Saturday, August 9, 10, 11, and 12
Sunset Cruise on the Wild and Scenic Maurice River with CU Maurice River naturalists. Observe hundreds of thousands of purple martins that gather in the wetlands as they prepare to cross the Gulf of Mexico on their migration to South America. Departs from the dock (rain or shine)at 8749 Berry Ave., Port Norris. 6 p.m. Boat cruise is approximately three hours long. Reservations are required. Seating is limited to 65 passengers. $65 per person; please pay in advance. Tours sell out quickly. To pay by check, make your reservation by phone at 856-300-5331 or via e-mail to CitizensUnited@CUMauriceRiver.org.
Check should be made out to CU Maurice River and mailed to PO Box 474, Millville, NJ 08332. In the notes section please indicate that your payment is for the Purple Martin Spectacular and the date of the trip you are booking.