Pascale Sykes Foundation Announces Plans to Sunset
The Pascale Sykes Foundation announced it will close its doors in 2022 as part of its original spend-down plan. Since 1992, the Foundation has advocated for and funded innovative, holistic social and economic development programs to transform the lives of working, low-income families.
“Our decision to sunset the Pascale Sykes Foundation was based on our fierce dedication to our mission—changing culture to focus on the integrity, independence and well-being of the intergenerational working low income families, ” said Frances Sykes, president of the Pascale Sykes Foundation. “We knew our work would be most effective if we awarded a select number of significant grants within a short time frame rather than spreading out our funding in smaller grant amounts, preserving our corpus.”
The Foundation has invested roughly $60 million in more than 75 NJ and NY-based community organizations and initiatives over the past 30 years. Founded on the premise that working families shouldn’t experience a crisis before they can access the resources and support needed to reach their full potential, the Foundation spearheaded the Whole Family Approach, which equips adults and children in the family with the tools and support to set, plan for and achieve their goals together.
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