Parade Particulars

Now we come on our “walking tour” of the Ave to what could be called the center of the central business district—the 600 block. This is the block with the most businesses and a focus of many of our events. We’ll do the north side this week and the south side next week.

On the north side…

638 E. Landis Ave.—PNC Bank, Schad and Schad, Accountants

636 E. Landis Ave.—Vegans Are Us

634 E. Landis Ave.—Vineland Realty Corp.

632 E. Landis Ave.—Michelle’s Kitchen & Catering

622 E. Landis Ave.—Lauro Jewelers

618 & 626 E. Landis Ave.—The Spot Marketplace (more than 50 shoppes and vendors)

616 E. Landis Ave.—Academy of Healthcare Excellence (moving to 17 W. Landis Ave. in December), Excellent Homecare of South Jersey, Absolutely Maid Clean, Lee Tofanelli and Associates, Inc., Total Hearing Care, Confident Care Corp.

614 E. Landis Ave.—Cumberland Advisors, Pty.; Resources for Independent Living; Randy C. Reddon, Attorney; Newsome Psychological Services, Inc.; Louis N. Magazzu, Attorney at Law

610 E. Landis Ave.—Boston Technologies, Inc.; Renewed Minds Community Development Corp, Inc.; Brass Frog Photography

608 E. Landis Ave.—Factory Outlet Sewing Center

604 E. Landis Ave.—Check Cashing, Jam Realty Co., Inc.

602 E. Landis Ave.—Kim’s Cleaners (Suite A), Katy’s Beauty Salon (Suite B)

600 E. Landis Ave.—Alfred J. Verderose, Attorney and Counselor at Law


Don’t forget about our remaining “November To Remember” event…

• Our annual Christmas Parade will round out the month on Saturday, November 30 (rain date: Sunday, December 1) at 5 p.m. The theme this year will be “’Twas the Night Before Christmas.” BB&T is again the major sponsor this year with Newfield National Bank again as a supporting sponsor.

Vendors, participants, and volunteers are currently being sought to help coordinate on the night of the parade, and parade sponsorship opportunities are available. Applications to be in the parade or to be a vendor can be obtained by going to the Main Street Vineland website——where the rules and regulations can also be reviewed and printed out.

NEWSFLASH! Thanks to Rental Country, we’re sweetening the pot for a lucky prize winner. They’re donating a Stihl BR550 backpack blower, with a manufacturer’s suggested retail price of $429.95, to give away to the best float (in the “Large Float” category). How’s that for an incentive for creativity! We’ll also have trophies to award to the first-, second-, and third-place winners in both the “Large Float” and “Petite Float” categories.

To be a participant in the parade, applications must be completed online. Registration for parade participants is free, if received before this Friday, November 15, with a $20 fee, if received after that date. The deadline for all registrations will be the following Friday, November 22. Registration is required to participate in the parade and no registrations will be allowed the night of the parade.


This is all the more reason to make The Ave your destination for shopping, dining, and entertainment needs. Save money on gasoline, avoid the long lines at the big-box stores, malls, and shopping centers, and take in the rich variety of fun things to do—right in your own backyard.

For more information on Main Street Vineland, call 856-794-8653, visit or check them out on Facebook. You can also e-mail

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