New State FFA Officers Active with Visits as School Year Begins

From left, with position and FFA chapter, Alexis Stretch-Huff, State Treasurer (Salem Tech); Loriann De Sousa Rego, (East Brunswick), State Vice President; Jonathan Finney (Salem Tech), State President; Chase Sherburne, State Secretary (Salem Tech).

The 2022-2023 New Jersey FFA officer team elected as part of the 93rd Annual State FFA Convention has been active visiting chapters around the state as the new school year has started. The officers also represent New Jersey FFA at several state and national functions throughout the year.

The new officers with the chapters they represent are Jonathan Finney (Salem Tech), State President; Loriann De Sousa Rego, (East Brunswick), State Vice President; Chase Sherburne, State Secretary (Salem Tech); Alexis Stretch-Huff, State Treasurer (Salem Tech).

“Part of FFA’s motto is ‘living to serve’ and is what drives officers to have a vested interest in each of the local chapters,” said New Jersey State FFA Advisor and Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Education Program Leader Erin Noble. “With our FFA membership being at an all-time high, we want to foster the relationships we have all around the state to allow each member the opportunity for an exceptionally valuable experience. We are anticipating a great 2022-23.”

FFA is a component of a food, agriculture and natural resources program of instruction that prepares students to pursue fulfilling careers in the business, science, education and technology of agriculture. There are more than 2,900 FFA members in 36 chapters in New Jersey and more than 850,000 members across the nation.

Some of the state officer duties include assisting chapters in the execution of their program of activities; encouraging FFA members to participate in food, agriculture and natural resources education and FFA programs; maintaining positive relations with members, the agribusiness sector, the public and others interested in agricultural education; traveling to FFA chapters around the state 2-3 times per month; assisting at career development events, including fall, spring, and summer; and representing the New Jersey FFA Association at events of other state agricultural organizations.

For more information about New Jersey Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Education and the state FFA program visit Also keep up to date with New Jersey FFA news on Facebook at, Twitter at and Instagram at

For information about the national FFA program visit