New Color Trends
For years, homeowners and their real estate professionals have walked a fine line between current interior trends and choosing a neutral palette that attracts the most potential buyers. If the homeowner went with rich color choices they risked paying a price at time of resale. But as design trends have evolved, that safe route of neutral beiges, grays and whites has led to a sameness, that let’s face it, has become boring.
When paint manufacturers announced that their 2020 color of the year choices were royal and navy blues, dusty pinks and variations of green, many homeowners have jumped on the vibrant color bandwagon. But it is not for everyone, so where do you draw the line? Homeowners should approach the new, bolder interior design colors as inspiration rather than palettes to slavishly imitate throughout a home. Designer trends should provide ideas rather than have everyone follow them exactly. While bold colors get all the buzz, grays, beiges and whites aren’t disappearing completely. They are classics. They will continue to show up in interiors, especially in the kitchen.
White continues to be the most popular cabinet color, followed by medium wood then gray. And neutral grays, whites and beiges are still highly popular on walls and throughout interiors.
The biggest takeaway from this year’s interior trends is that neutrals are more frequently being paired with pops of stronger colors. Some of the neutral paint colors even have a hint of underlying tones to offer a happy middle ground and some freshness.
Grays and beiges will always have staying power but the new paints have hints of colorful undertones. They’re less traditional than beige or gray and feel a bit more modern but aren’t too experimental.
Ultimately, homeowners should go with what makes them feel good rather than what’s trending—a color that will give their space its “soul.” But whatever color you choose based on your wants, you should understand that overly vibrant color choices may still turn off buyers.
Consider repainting the strongest colors before listing. Also, think about how those bold colors photograph. Today’s buyers are shopping for homes on their phones first, so you only have a split second to show off that interior. Believe it or not, the wrong color can deter someone from checking out the property in person. So, happy painting.
Until next week….