Mohan is December 2020 New Jersey’s Heartland Hero Award

Chris Mohan of Vineland, is an English teacher at Vineland High School. He teaches English and remedial English, tutors students who need help, and gives the ACCUPLACER at the Rowan College of South Jersey Cumberland Campus. He also teaches adult education to individuals pursuing their GED diploma and curates items relating to Vineland High history.
His affinity for history extends well beyond the classroom setting and into the community at large. As vice president of the board of trustees for the Siloam Cemetery, Chris utilizes his skills and enthusiasm to help in the efforts to beautify and restore the cemetery. Chris and his wife, Selena, created and manage the Siloam Cemetery, Vineland NJ Facebook page that has more than 500 members. Chris has been involved in many projects at Siloam Cemetery, including the restoration of the Landis plot, cleaning of gravestones, the repair of the chapel, cemetery cleanup after Hurricane Sandy, the beautification of the winter mausoleum, and working with the board to place the cemetery on the national historic registry. Furthermore, he gives tours about the history of the cemetery dressed in period costume.
New Jersey’s Heartland is filled with hidden gems, but its biggest treasures are its people. All Heartland Heroes receive a Heartland Heroes Certificate and Gift Basket in recognition of their award. To nominate your Heartland Hero, visit
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