Millville Woman’s Club Hosts MLK Project

New Jersey State Federation of Woman’s Clubs (NJSFWC) and General Federation of Woman’s Clubs (GFWC) participated in Day of Service with so many others throughout the country on Martin Luther King’s National Day of Service, January 16. The counties in NJSFWC Southern District were hosted in the clubhouse of the Millville Woman’s Club (MWC).
Members of these clubs donated cans of tuna, chicken and vegetables, packages of fruit cups, oatmeal cups, granola bars and cereal along with bags of beans and of rice and more. Volunteers from the clubs worked diligently packaging Dinners in a Bag, College Meal Kits, Healthy Lifestyle Meal Kits and Snowy Meal Kits. These were donated to the Community Food Bank of New Jersey and distributed by Gateway Community Action Partnership.