Millville High Hosts Students from Germany

Twenty Millville High School students and their families recently opened their doors to students from Heidelberg, Germany. Beginning on October 20, the students participated in classes and gone on various outings with their American partners. The students visited Washington DC and Philadelphia with their American host partners. The American and German students have had a wonderful time and are already lamenting the day when they will have to say auf wiedersehen to each other. However, many of the students who are hosting will go on a home stay visit to Heidelberg for three weeks this summer. This program would not be possible without the time and dedication of the Millville High School staff Graham Gant and Jason Harrington.

This is the third year of the exchange program. A fundraiser to help offset the cost of the students’ trip to Germany will be held on Saturday, November 23, as they host their third Annual German Holiday Festival and Market at Memorial High School from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The event will feature about 50 vendors, food, face painting, an auction and music.

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