Good Timing
Sometimes, when someone says that they’re going to clean your clock, it doesn’t mean anything bad. In fact, when they clean—and fix—your clock, as was done with our beloved downtown clock, it’s reason to celebrate.
First, here’s a little bit of history about the clock on the north side of the 600 block of Landis Avenue. An earlier version of the clock stood proudly outside of the old Tradesmens Bank and Trust Company. That old bank building made way for the present building that houses the PNC Bank. That old clock was replaced by a newer clock in 1992, and the spot was dedicated as a mini-park to those who fought in Operation Desert Storm.
Fast forward a bit. The clock had fallen into disrepair. The matter of fixing it had been on the agenda of Main Street Vineland’s Design Team for years. Availability and costs of parts were researched as well as other solutions to the problem, but it was a matter of the bottom line being beyond our budget. Now, along with a thorough cleaning, the Vineland Municipal Utilities replaced the moving parts with up-do-date technology. Now, the clock will chime hourly, play seasonal songs, and adjust for daylight saving time. Its lights have also been upgraded to LED lights.
Thanks go to Mayor Fanucci, the City of Vineland and staff, the Vineland Rotary Club and Paul and Josie Spinelli, and all those others whose efforts have brought back to life a special icon of The Ave. In the words of Mayor Fanucci, which were part of the Facebook post, “The sights and sounds will bring joy to pedestrians as they stroll along The Ave. It is a piece of Vineland history that has sentimental value for many in our community, and we are proud it will have a new life for years to come.”
I couldn’t have expressed it better. The next time you’re on The Ave, take a look at another reason why The Ave is a great place to work, live, dine, and enjoy.
Remember that Main Street Vineland is here to help. We pass important business information along to our businesses every Wednesday, in the 9 a.m. hour, and on SNJ Today POP FM 99.9, and Comcast Channel 22.
For more on Main Street Vineland, call our office at 856-794-8653, visit—or check us out on Facebook. You can also e-mail me at [email protected].