Writers Society Gathering

Vineland Public Library 1058 E. Landis Ave., Vineland, NJ, United States

Vineland Public Library, 1058 E. Landis Ave., Vineland. 4–5:30 p.m. Discussion and writing critiques. Free to attend with registration requested. 856-794-4244 ext. 4243.

Human Resource Association of Southern New Jersey (HRA) Dinner Meeting

Ramada Inn Vineland 2216 W. Landis Ave., Vineland, NJ, United States

Ramada Inn, 2216 W. Landis Ave., Vineland. 5:30–8:30 p.m. Speaker Jonathan A. Segal, Esq. will provide an overview of the legal context for evaluating pay equity. The program will address federal law, the more exacting New Jersey Diane B. Allen Pay Equal Pay Act, OFCCP enforcement and the anticipated addition to the EE0-1 of a […]

Pay Equity Imperative Meeting

Ramada Inn Vineland 2216 W. Landis Ave., Vineland, NJ, United States

It is undeniable that there is a pay gap relative to gender, race and ethnicity. Debating how large the gap is misses the point: Inequity is just that and carries with it legal, business and DEI considerations. On September 21, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Ramada Inn (2216 W Landis Ave., Vineland, this issue will […]

CUT International Short Film Festival

Levoy Theatre 126-130 N. High St., Millville, NJ, United States

Levoy Theatre, 126-130 High St., Millville. NJShorts.com for full schedule of films and showtimes. $30 for a two-day pass.

Bus Trip

The Rutgers Master Gardeners of Cumberland County invite you to join a bus trip on Friday, September 22, to Chanticleer, one of the great public gardens of the region, located in Wayne, Pennsylvania. The day will include a guided tour of the gardens and the first floor of Chanticleer House as well as time to […]

Boutique Day/Sweet Sale

Millville Woman's Club 300 E. Street, Millville, NJ, United States

Millville Woman’s Club (MWC), 300 E. St., Millville. 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Vintage jewelry, hats, scarves, purses, wallets, perfumes, soaps, candles, antique dolls, and more. Cakes, cookies, candies for sale.

Fall Designer Bag Bingo

St. Mary School 735 Union Rd., Vineland, NJ, United States

St Mary’s School, 735 Union Rd., Vineland. Games begin at 7 p.m. Tickets are now available for our highly anticipated 2023 event! This event promises to be our best yet, and we can’t wait for you to see what we have in store for you.

Artisans Faire & Marketplace

Cumberland County Historical Society 891 Ye Greate St, Greenwich, NJ, United States

960 Ye Grate St., Greenwich. Saturday 10 a.m.–5 p.m.; Sunday 10 a.m–4 p.m. Cumberland County Historical Society hosts 50 artisans and nonproift organizations. Nursery plants. art, photographs, pottery, soap, jewelry, weaving, woodwork, honey, brooms. Live music, food vendors, childrens tent, pony rides and antique farm equipment. Bloody Pirates exhibit. $5, $3 for Society members, free […]

Padre Pio Festival

St. Padre Pio Rte. 40, Harding Hwy., Landisville, NJ, United States

Church of Our Lady of Pompeii, 4680 Dante Ave., Vineland. 11 a.m.–5 p.m. Faith, food, and fun. 856-691-7526, pppnj.org